Thursday, October 29, 2009

starting to feel at home

As the title says i'm starting to feel at home in Kumamoto. There are a few things i could wish for (a closet, not having to live out of my suit case and what not) but as soon as i move (nov 7th) i get those and it should really set in. I know my way around (kinda) i am getting better at reading and talking to people to get what i need to done. I walk out of buildings on campus and feel ok with it not being the UofM. Its nice.

speaking of moving. the new dorms....ROCK!!!! my friend Yudai (well jamie's friend first but yeah) has a part time job moving all the new stuff into the dorms. So today he said to come during his lunch and we could see them. THEY ARE AMAZING!!. i get a book shelf, a real bed (no more futon and bean pillow...yes!) a closet, a dresser, and drawers under my bed. also i have a little porch thing to hang clothes on, a desk and....AN AIR CON!! each room has one. then we have a shower room, washing machine, brand new IH heater (stove top thingy)a microwave, a microwave oven, table. so much and more. plus its brand spanking new! so amazing.

What else has been new you ask? Not much. well everything thats only since its japan and not the US. I love the food, the people, and even the school. I had to ask my teacher if i could miss class for 2-3 days to help out teach at Mt Aso. I was petrified and carefully figured out how to ask her politely in japanese and everything. Figured out reasons why it would be good for me, etc, then i get there and start to ask and she just goes "wow thats a good school, that would be good for you. we will figure out when to reschedule the quiz's" and i was shocked. also she totally destroyed all my careful work haha also because of the school festival and one of my teachers having to leave on personal matters, i have 2 classes in the next like two weeks. its amazing haha. i suppose the experience is just as important as classes are.

Tomorrow is Halloween and it should be amazing. I get to see a live concert on campus starting at 7 (jamie's friends Taiyo and Ichinose are playing and invited kk and myself) then going with KK's tutor Junko down to Jeff's bar for a halloween party. All while in costume. I'm going to be a giant pikachu. so amazing. There will be pictures.

Speaking of that i need to start showing some.
yes kumamoto castle!
there will be more soon. and more writing but now i need to go downtown. Then off to watch "L: Change the world" is friends!

1 comment:

  1. OMG PIKACHU. MY English friend went as Pikachu's to Jeff's last year! If the same people are there, they may ask you if you knew him. XD

    TAKE PICTURES OF YOUR DORM. I WANT TO SEE THE NEW DORMS. They sound a lot like my dorm...

    Glad to hear things are going well for you!
