Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wow i`ve been lazy

Yeah so i had planned on writing in this all the time but without reliable interent i obviously haven`t. I`ve been writing alot down on my laptop so expect a big recap post coming up here as soon as i stop being lazy.
Tomorrow is the big placement test, so im kinda freaking out but it`ll be ok. Just need to remember to breath. so far everything (minus orientation where they speak really fast japanese at me) has been fun. Oh but the stupid recycling system is a pain. save the earth i guess.
Yesterday i met up with a friend of mine, Aiko, that i haven`t seen since high school. it was so great to catch up and see each other again. we had alot of fun. Got me a new cell phone (i can totally watch tv on it, and i have), went to a crazy busy starbucks (yup tastes the same), went to a really cool store with a bunch of kyoto products, then of course went and ate and a ninja restaraunt. the ninja who let us in totally tricked at the door, made us try to open this impossible door then opened another one haha. was awesome. then we unrolled the scroll menu and picked out some tasty food. ninja sushi, shrimp with mayo and more! soo good. everytime they came in they would say "nin nin" . i pretty much aspire to work there. and Naito sensei looked at me funny everytime i said i wanted to grow up to be a ninja. then a ninja who used ninja magic came in. pretty much the best card tricks...err i mean real magic ever. seriously i was amazed. also the table was garnished with bread shurikens...seriously!? yeah seriously.
after that we went home and i studied some, and by study i ment kinda looked at kanji and then watched tv on my phone, oh well . after i get home from eating and the 100¥ store im totally studying. (test tomorrow and all)
Oh i found out who my tutor and advisor are (yeah, i forgot no post so you didn`t know it took me forever to figure this out) my tutor is really nice, her name is Koto Tanaka. Her english isn`t that great but i guess im not in japan for english. i had probably the longest converation ive had in japanese with her. It was nice, she knows rachael too from the judo club which i thought was awesome. My advisor (i get to meet him on tuesday) is Ozawa sensei. Hes the JUDO, TAIKO, and KENDO guy!!! sweet jesus all awesome things. I`ve bene pretty much set on joining the kendo or taiko club from the begining so this is a sweetly ironic and awesome turn of events. the only downside is he doesn`t speak any english. once again good since i`m here for japanese but bad since he has to advise me on classes. oh well, im sure it`ll work out.
I promise I will write again soon about my sweet japanese adventures. you know, brave new world and all


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