Sunday, November 1, 2009

School Festival

ok so today is the school festival. I showed up expecting to see some clubs doing what clubs do and what not. No today should have been called "school festival aka going to sell you tasty food at cheap prices, so much food you will burst". Thats what it was/is/god i'm going to eat so much today. So KK and i show up around noon- noon thirty (technical term there), and park our bikes. we walk around with the smell of tasty food wafting through the air. We walk around and then we see the BRIGHT pink shirts that let us know our new friends that through the welcome party are selling tasty food. We head over and wave, Jyo (kk's group leader) yells 久しぶり! (long time no see basically) and we head wave to everyone (my group leader 翼 - tsubasa- was there too). KK then asks where Gachi is (he wants to be called that, so we obliged). Jyo told us to wait that he would be back. He then decides to call him and let kk talk to him. the convo was
kk: もしもし?ガチ!
gachi: え?
kk: ガチ!

he was really confused but when he arrived back at the tent he noticed us and was surprised. We then walked around and bought food. Let me list all the food and why we bought it (besides it was tasty.

Waffle with fruit and tastyness on it - because our friends were selling them.
takoyaki - because some random person asked us if we wanted to buy, so we did.
MOTHER EFFIN TACO'S!!! - the english speaking club were selling tacos. i love tacos (with tabasco) so we bought them, we bought them good.
Bubble tea - our Taiwanese friend from our class was selling it. so tasty.
Gyoza - first of all its gyoza, second of all it was by the chinese kids, third its gyoza
yakisoba - wanted some for a long time. plus the baseball kids were doing an awesome looking job cooking it.

Then we sat down for a peaceful snack and became bombarded with offers to buy tasty looking food. since i'm pretty sure saying "no thanks" is illegal in japan, we did what any self respecting person would do...BOUGHT IT ALL!!!

some tasty parfait thing - because they asked
some tasty melon pan looking thing - because they asked
some mochi thing - because they asked.

they just kept asking and we just kept buying. finally we stuffed our face and ran into the library for sanctuary. apparently the memo got out after we first bought takoyaki that the American's buy stuff haha. Oh well it was fun and tasty Probably will go back and buy more soon! pictures will follow

1 comment:

  1. I felt bad at the school festival because I didn't buy everything that was offered to me.

    I'm glad you are making up for my mistake! XD
